Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Last Ride...

I heard this story from a friend:

“A cabbie in Manhattan received a call from a residence in the older part of the Eastside. Though modest, the apartments were well-maintained. As he arrived, he noticed a parting of the curtains on a first floor window. Instead of honking, he waited and then decided to go up the stairs to the apartment. When he got there he was greeted by a frail old woman with her suitcase. He asked her to wait and he took her suitcase down to the trunk of the cab. Returning, he helped her slowly down the stairs and into the cab.

“Before pulling down the meter he asked where she wanted to go. She passed forward a slip of paper with the address and said, ‘Actually it is a hospice. My doctor tells me my days are limited, and since I have no family to stay with, he has recommended this home. But before we go there, I wonder if you would drive downtown. I have money in my purse to cover the fare.’

“The cabbie agreed and headed south through the traffic and followed her instructions. They stopped by a hospital and she pointed it out as the place she was born. They then traveled to a place she said she grew up as a child. They continued on for two hours driving around the city as she showed him places and told of her life experiences. Finally they came to the location of the hospice. He helped her out and she was greeted by someone who took her suitcase. She thanked the cabbie for his warm attention and said that this was one of the most special days of her life. She asked how much she owed for the ride and the cabbie said, “Ma'am, there is no charge, I never put the meter on. I too, have had one of the most special days of my life.’

“The cabbie had no further fares for the day but spent the time reflecting on the events. He asked himself, ‘what if I had just honked and driven away when no one appeared for the ride? What if I hadn’t taken the time to go up and bring her suitcase and her down the steps? What if had got worried about the time going by on a long trip around the city? What if I missed out on having one of the most special days of my life?"

Just wow.  I'm going to write about my last ride so that my descendants and friends have some knowledge about my life experiences. 

Senior Passwords

My friend Helen sent me this one:

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Thoughts on the Wuhan Virus


 Going to ask my Mom if that offer to slap me into next year is still on the table.
Of all the things I learned in grade school, how to avoid cooties was the last one I expected to use!
So can we expect car insurance to go down since nobody can go anywhere? Just wondering... Jake, from State Farm...
People keep asking “is coronavirus really that serious?”  Listen up! Casinos and churches are closed. When heaven and hell agree on the same thing, it’s probably pretty serious!
Now that teachers finally have a chance to use the restroom, there’s no toilet paper.
Shout out to all the parents who never taught their kids respect and now they’re stuck at home with the little shits!!!
The longer this goes on the harder it will be to return to a society where pants and bras are required.
Cops these days will be like…come out with your hands washed!
Day 56 of quarantine…ate all the snacks and food…clothes no longer fit… but I’m still wearing gloves and mask for my protection.
I’m as bored as an Amish electrician!
Homeschooling Update: My child just said I hope I don’t have the same teacher next year!
Never in my whole life would I imagine my hands would consume more alcohol than my mouth!
And just like that…having a mask, rubber gloves, duct tape, plastic sheeting and rope in your trunk is OK.
Ask not what staying home on the couch can do for you, but staying home on the couch can do for your country.
50 million children being homeschooled by gun owning parents and not one single school mass shooting. Arming teachers works!!!
Police confront nudist sunbathers over not wearing facemasks amid coronavirus outbreak.
Ladies…time to start dating the older dudes. They can get you into the grocery store early.
I don’t like the fact that my chances of survival seem to be linked to the common sense of others.
I can’t believe I can walk into a store to buy weed, but I have to meet my hairdresser in a dark alley with unmarked bills to get a haircut!
Have to say that the Class of 2020 outdid themselves with Senior Skip Day this year!
With so many sporting events cancelled, they’re having to televise the World Origami Championship…It’s on Paperview.
Everyone is posting memes and talking about coming out of this quarantine with a new skill or side hustle.
I’m just sitting here wondering how I never noticed there’s a turd in Saturday.
Not to brag, but I haven’t been late for anything for the past 56 days!
Sitting at the bar in the kitchen at night. Tried to pick up my wife. She gave me a fake phone number. WTH…
It’s been a blessing being home with the wife for 2 Months now. We’ve caught up on everything I’ve done wrong for fifteen years.
Have you noticed that since beauty salons are closed, selfies are down 68%?
Breaking News: Wearing a mask inside your home is now highly recommended. Not so much to prevent coronavirus, but to stop eating…